Monday, November 17, 2008

Mark 1:29-34

Jesus goes to stay at Peter and Andrew's home. Peter's mother-in-law lives there and is very sick. Jesus lifts her up by his hand and she is immediately healed and begins making biscuits for supper! Healing is not gradual, but instantaneous.

I'm sure Peter is forever attached to Jesus from that moment on. Imagine his wife's joy at her mother's good health.

Jesus proceeds to heal the whole town, any and every one who comes to the house, which is essentially every sick person in the city. He turns away no one. Doesn't say, "Sorry, not enough faith," or "sorry, you don't believe I'm the Son of God yet!" He heals them.

Jesus would not let the demons speak because they knew him. Doesn't want people to believe because the demons believe. That is not the kind of faith he wants to encourage, but a faith that comes from hearing the Word of God.

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