Monday, November 10, 2008

Mark 1: 16-20

Jesus' first item of business: calling his disciples. Called two sets of brothers from the same town. We know from other gospels that Andrew and Peter had already heard of Jesus from John the Baptist. James and John were probably friends of theirs, at least work acquaintances. James and John left their father to handle the business alone. But their mother Salome is listed later as Jesus' follower. Perhaps these entire families devoted themselves to Christ and were willing to make the sacrifices that sending breadwinners after Jesus would demand. There is always a cost to follow Jesus, but it's always worth it, for the eternal value alone.

"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." An appropriate comment for these fishermen and a word play on their job title. They probably had no clue what Jesus meant, but they were hooked :) the effectual call.

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