Mark 1:40-45
Jesus heals a leper. Leprosy was the worst thing you could get. Separated you from your family and community. Goodbye to your job, your clubs, sitting outside the gate with the elders--all gone. Couldn't attend worship, marriages, funerals. Nothing.
This man believes Jesus can heal him, if only he will. He submits to the will of God.
Many people of faith are NOT healed of their diseases because it is not God's will. He has a purpose in it and for it. How many people in the medical profession are touched by Christians who trust God in the midst of chemo treatments?
There's a whole world out there I'd have never met if not for Amanda's medical conditions. I pray we have been a good witness for Christ.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mark 1:35-39
Jesus got up early before anyone else and went away from the house to pray.
How old will I be before I realize how important it is to pray before anything else takes place? Once the day gets going it's hard to stop and TIME OUT. Phone calls, meals, kids. Just having daylight to see that the grass needs mowing or weeds need to be pulled--too distracting.
Then Jesus' first order of the day was to move on--to get to the next village, the next synagogue, to preach and to heal. Give the message then prove His authority by the miracles He performed.
We have a message today that is fully complete, backed up by the cross. It's all we need to get out there and share it and live it.
Jesus got up early before anyone else and went away from the house to pray.
How old will I be before I realize how important it is to pray before anything else takes place? Once the day gets going it's hard to stop and TIME OUT. Phone calls, meals, kids. Just having daylight to see that the grass needs mowing or weeds need to be pulled--too distracting.
Then Jesus' first order of the day was to move on--to get to the next village, the next synagogue, to preach and to heal. Give the message then prove His authority by the miracles He performed.
We have a message today that is fully complete, backed up by the cross. It's all we need to get out there and share it and live it.
Mark 1:29-34
Jesus goes to stay at Peter and Andrew's home. Peter's mother-in-law lives there and is very sick. Jesus lifts her up by his hand and she is immediately healed and begins making biscuits for supper! Healing is not gradual, but instantaneous.
I'm sure Peter is forever attached to Jesus from that moment on. Imagine his wife's joy at her mother's good health.
Jesus proceeds to heal the whole town, any and every one who comes to the house, which is essentially every sick person in the city. He turns away no one. Doesn't say, "Sorry, not enough faith," or "sorry, you don't believe I'm the Son of God yet!" He heals them.
Jesus would not let the demons speak because they knew him. Doesn't want people to believe because the demons believe. That is not the kind of faith he wants to encourage, but a faith that comes from hearing the Word of God.
Jesus goes to stay at Peter and Andrew's home. Peter's mother-in-law lives there and is very sick. Jesus lifts her up by his hand and she is immediately healed and begins making biscuits for supper! Healing is not gradual, but instantaneous.
I'm sure Peter is forever attached to Jesus from that moment on. Imagine his wife's joy at her mother's good health.
Jesus proceeds to heal the whole town, any and every one who comes to the house, which is essentially every sick person in the city. He turns away no one. Doesn't say, "Sorry, not enough faith," or "sorry, you don't believe I'm the Son of God yet!" He heals them.
Jesus would not let the demons speak because they knew him. Doesn't want people to believe because the demons believe. That is not the kind of faith he wants to encourage, but a faith that comes from hearing the Word of God.
Mark 1:23-38
Jesus is amazing the crowd in the synagogue, putting to shame the local scribes. But then a demon in one man challenges Jesus, reminds the crowd that he is only a Nazarene and questions his motives. Identifies Jesus as the Holy One of God, which he hopes will incite the people!
But Jesus, with absolute authority, rebukes the demon in the man in the synagogue and expells him. Must have been quite a sight. The people were amazed that he had power over demons and began to spread the story around Galilee.
Some will probably say he has power over demons because he IS a demon. There will be some who blieve, but many that won't. But he is definitely drawing a crowd. Imagine, having power over demons. And he gives his disciples power over demons as well. And so do we.
Jesus is amazing the crowd in the synagogue, putting to shame the local scribes. But then a demon in one man challenges Jesus, reminds the crowd that he is only a Nazarene and questions his motives. Identifies Jesus as the Holy One of God, which he hopes will incite the people!
But Jesus, with absolute authority, rebukes the demon in the man in the synagogue and expells him. Must have been quite a sight. The people were amazed that he had power over demons and began to spread the story around Galilee.
Some will probably say he has power over demons because he IS a demon. There will be some who blieve, but many that won't. But he is definitely drawing a crowd. Imagine, having power over demons. And he gives his disciples power over demons as well. And so do we.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mark 1:21-22
Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and began teaching. He really knew his stuff! Had been there at creation and following. The disciples were amazed at how much he knew, probably not only what he knew but how he knew so much with such detail and talking like he was there or something!
The scribes were the ones who handled the Scriptures and were held in high regard. But they stumbled and faltered as they taught, really not sure how things tied together. Jesus made it all make sense. Amazing!
The Holy Spirit is my Teacher, tying all things together and applying it to my life and heart. My pastor ties the entire Bible together in his sermons, causing me to look further. He lays out all the truths that used to be mysteries but now can be known. The only mystery now is why God loves me!
Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and began teaching. He really knew his stuff! Had been there at creation and following. The disciples were amazed at how much he knew, probably not only what he knew but how he knew so much with such detail and talking like he was there or something!
The scribes were the ones who handled the Scriptures and were held in high regard. But they stumbled and faltered as they taught, really not sure how things tied together. Jesus made it all make sense. Amazing!
The Holy Spirit is my Teacher, tying all things together and applying it to my life and heart. My pastor ties the entire Bible together in his sermons, causing me to look further. He lays out all the truths that used to be mysteries but now can be known. The only mystery now is why God loves me!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mark 1: 16-20
Jesus' first item of business: calling his disciples. Called two sets of brothers from the same town. We know from other gospels that Andrew and Peter had already heard of Jesus from John the Baptist. James and John were probably friends of theirs, at least work acquaintances. James and John left their father to handle the business alone. But their mother Salome is listed later as Jesus' follower. Perhaps these entire families devoted themselves to Christ and were willing to make the sacrifices that sending breadwinners after Jesus would demand. There is always a cost to follow Jesus, but it's always worth it, for the eternal value alone.
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." An appropriate comment for these fishermen and a word play on their job title. They probably had no clue what Jesus meant, but they were hooked :) the effectual call.
Jesus' first item of business: calling his disciples. Called two sets of brothers from the same town. We know from other gospels that Andrew and Peter had already heard of Jesus from John the Baptist. James and John were probably friends of theirs, at least work acquaintances. James and John left their father to handle the business alone. But their mother Salome is listed later as Jesus' follower. Perhaps these entire families devoted themselves to Christ and were willing to make the sacrifices that sending breadwinners after Jesus would demand. There is always a cost to follow Jesus, but it's always worth it, for the eternal value alone.
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." An appropriate comment for these fishermen and a word play on their job title. They probably had no clue what Jesus meant, but they were hooked :) the effectual call.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mark 1:14-15
After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus began his ministry in Galilee. So the king must have had his experience with John while Jesus was in the wilderness. "He must increase and I must decrease." John's work was done and God removed him from the scene. Almost like Jesus' words about Judas-Jesus death must take place, but woe to him through whom it comes. Herod is guilty of the death of John.
Jesus' message: finally, it's here--the day we've been waiting for ever since the Fall, ever since God called Abraham, since Moses led the people out of Egypt, since the prophets, since the exile--it's here! The Messiah has come. The kingdom of God is at hand; it is within your ability to touch.
What should be our response? Repent and believe in the gospel, the good news. He is here!!
After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus began his ministry in Galilee. So the king must have had his experience with John while Jesus was in the wilderness. "He must increase and I must decrease." John's work was done and God removed him from the scene. Almost like Jesus' words about Judas-Jesus death must take place, but woe to him through whom it comes. Herod is guilty of the death of John.
Jesus' message: finally, it's here--the day we've been waiting for ever since the Fall, ever since God called Abraham, since Moses led the people out of Egypt, since the prophets, since the exile--it's here! The Messiah has come. The kingdom of God is at hand; it is within your ability to touch.
What should be our response? Repent and believe in the gospel, the good news. He is here!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mark 1:12-13
1. The Spirit DROVE Jesus immediately into the wilderness.
2. In the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan.
3. With wild animals
4. Angels on hand to care for him.
From total delight and pleasure, knowing he was in the center of God's will, to almost complete abandonment.
No physical comforts.
No spiritual comforts.
A full frontal attack by the enemy.
Enough to send me into total despair. Just take away my electricity and I'm beside myself. When I was having my mental problems (worse than usual) I felt totally alone and did not feel God's love and presence. It was a real testing time to just know he was there without the feelings or the support.
But Jesus knows His Father is near. Never doubts His Father's care. Trusts in the sure and certain givens without the proofs. That is Faith.
1. The Spirit DROVE Jesus immediately into the wilderness.
2. In the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan.
3. With wild animals
4. Angels on hand to care for him.
From total delight and pleasure, knowing he was in the center of God's will, to almost complete abandonment.
No physical comforts.
No spiritual comforts.
A full frontal attack by the enemy.
Enough to send me into total despair. Just take away my electricity and I'm beside myself. When I was having my mental problems (worse than usual) I felt totally alone and did not feel God's love and presence. It was a real testing time to just know he was there without the feelings or the support.
But Jesus knows His Father is near. Never doubts His Father's care. Trusts in the sure and certain givens without the proofs. That is Faith.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mark 1:9-11 Jesus' Baptism
After John's statement, "I will baptize with water, but one coming after me will baptize with the Holy Spirit," Jesus comes to John and is baptized in water and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him. This is before the Holy Spirit indwelled the believer. In the Old Testament, the Holy Sprit fell on those who were set apart to do a special job for God. Now it is a sign of God's approval, and a picture of the Trinity, but now also time for Jesus to begin His ministry.
Ashamed to say that in the past I think I actually believed I was just about on par with Jesus, that I could almost hear God say, "Here is my daughter, Karen, in whom I take great delight and satisfaction." What in the world gave me that high value of myself? It's no fun seeing my sin and realizing how far I am from perfection, but thank you, God, for not letting me live in that deception. Please use me each day and make me what you want me to be.
After John's statement, "I will baptize with water, but one coming after me will baptize with the Holy Spirit," Jesus comes to John and is baptized in water and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him. This is before the Holy Spirit indwelled the believer. In the Old Testament, the Holy Sprit fell on those who were set apart to do a special job for God. Now it is a sign of God's approval, and a picture of the Trinity, but now also time for Jesus to begin His ministry.
Ashamed to say that in the past I think I actually believed I was just about on par with Jesus, that I could almost hear God say, "Here is my daughter, Karen, in whom I take great delight and satisfaction." What in the world gave me that high value of myself? It's no fun seeing my sin and realizing how far I am from perfection, but thank you, God, for not letting me live in that deception. Please use me each day and make me what you want me to be.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Gospel According to Mark
Mark 1:1-8
v. 1 the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gospel means "good news" The good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Stated up front: this is good news! Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Christ, the Messiah. He's the One!
v. 2 Proof One: The Old Testament Scriptures announced his coming. Proof Two: the life and ministry of John the Baptist, also foretold in Isaiah. Prophecies are made to be fulfilled--now is the time! In our day--in our hearing! Should be very good news to the people.
v. 4 John the Baptist's life work was to prepare the way for Jesus' arrival, to point people to him, to explain Christ's purpose, which is to save people from their sins. Not an earthly king, but an eternal one.
vv. 5-6 People were drawn to John because of his message, but also his eccentricities. Like a carnival show. Let's take a trip out to thewilderness next Saturday and go see that guy who dresses in camel hair and eats locusts and honey every meal!
vv. 7-8 John's message was the real draw once you got there. A new song, a new message. Guess what, group, we're not okay with God--our sacrifices, our tithes and offerings, they're not acceptable--they won't remove our sins. Repent! It's the heart God wants.
And the Messiah is coming, the One we've been waiting for, the One we've stopped looking for. He's real! And He's so much better than I. He will be able to change your hearts. I can dunk you in water, but He can dunk your heart, mind, body and soul into the Holy Spirit.
Don't even know if they knew what the Holy Spirit was.
My prayer for my girls is that you will give all of yourselves to Christ, follow him wherever he leads you, obey every command, and love him completely.
Mark 1:1-8
v. 1 the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gospel means "good news" The good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Stated up front: this is good news! Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Christ, the Messiah. He's the One!
v. 2 Proof One: The Old Testament Scriptures announced his coming. Proof Two: the life and ministry of John the Baptist, also foretold in Isaiah. Prophecies are made to be fulfilled--now is the time! In our day--in our hearing! Should be very good news to the people.
v. 4 John the Baptist's life work was to prepare the way for Jesus' arrival, to point people to him, to explain Christ's purpose, which is to save people from their sins. Not an earthly king, but an eternal one.
vv. 5-6 People were drawn to John because of his message, but also his eccentricities. Like a carnival show. Let's take a trip out to thewilderness next Saturday and go see that guy who dresses in camel hair and eats locusts and honey every meal!
vv. 7-8 John's message was the real draw once you got there. A new song, a new message. Guess what, group, we're not okay with God--our sacrifices, our tithes and offerings, they're not acceptable--they won't remove our sins. Repent! It's the heart God wants.
And the Messiah is coming, the One we've been waiting for, the One we've stopped looking for. He's real! And He's so much better than I. He will be able to change your hearts. I can dunk you in water, but He can dunk your heart, mind, body and soul into the Holy Spirit.
Don't even know if they knew what the Holy Spirit was.
My prayer for my girls is that you will give all of yourselves to Christ, follow him wherever he leads you, obey every command, and love him completely.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Para thugater in Greek means "alongside daughter". I am composing this blog in order to share my daily morning Bible devotional with my daughters. I've always struggled with consistency in Bible study and prayer and am finally getting the hang of it. I hope that maybe my daughters will join me by blogging in when they can, study the same verses as me and then post their own thoughts.
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