Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mark 3:7-12

These verses tell us the impact Jesus has made. He is up in Galilee, but people are coming from across the Jordan River, from Judea (having to pass through Samaria) and up from Tyre and Sidon (usually inhabited by other nations but containing many Jews). Where's Idumea? The Biblical World resource says Idumea is a name given by Greeks and Romans to the area of the Edomites, which is down south of Judea and on the eastern side of the Jordan River.

The point is, people are coming from all over. They are making tortuous journeys with their sick in tow, suffering all the hardships of the journey in order to see Jesus and find healing. Every evil spirit recognized Jesus as the Son of God, but each time Jesus commanded their silence. They recognized Him, not by sight, but by His Spirit. But Jesus doesn't want Satan's help; He will reveal Himself by signs and wonders and by His authority and knowledge of God's Word.

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